Friday, October 29, 2010

im not going to flunkk

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because even though i hated sean's work, i was mature and participated.
journal:i really want to see this play. but reading it is a pain. remembering and not remembering stuff. they went to school together. they met at the movies? kate brings up that they talk like shes dead. katey was married? and katey? is that kate? people are rippling. deeley has something to do in the arts. they keep on making different people vegitarian when no ones a veggie.

grade-100- i should get a 100 for today because i discussed the workshop thoughtfully and i took charge of laying the masonite.
journal:anna has a husband? now they live in sicily? anna has a yacht? deeley travels around the world for his job? annas husband is italian? so now deeley is orson wells and he wrote and directed a film. kate and anna are having a side conversation about marbel floors and shit. deelys associated with prostitutes.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came to the workshop with an open mind and actually saw it work, and have it slightly work for me.
journal: anna sugests staying in and kate washing her hair? the park is apparently a horrible place. kate doesnt like looking at swinging doors? keep chaning topics and leaving deeley out. anna is going to ask charley or jake to come over. kate doesnt like jake. maybe maccabe. kate goes to take a bath and anna and deeley stare at each other.

thursday:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i worked on taping and helping the freshmen. and i took alot of spanish crap! and i got gaff.
journal: deeley comes in with coffee. says that deeley and kate sleep in the living room and calls couch beds. says he remembers anna from the wayferers. taven just off the brompton road. anna doesnt remember. she knew a luke that went there? a ginger. she would wear a black scarf sweater and skirt and stockings. anna had escorts? deeley bought her drinks? twenty years ago. they would ignore luke sometimes. went to a party in a flat in westbourne grove. deeley looked up annas skirt and she was fine with it? party discussed death and china. anna left the party without saying goodbye.

friday: 100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i helped keep the rehearsal organized, and took over props. i helped freshmen. I DIRECTED.
journal: start talking about katey in the bath. kateys good at washing herself but people dry her. annas getting fiesty about deeley drying kate. dry her with powder? calls kate fourty. kate enters. oh god, the lines from the songs start again. kate says the waters softer in the country. wants to go east to somewhere hot. likes that in the city when it rains it blurrs everything. they are staying in. notice kates smile. ask to repeat and shes still smiling. treating her like a child.

Friday, October 22, 2010

my whole feed is taken up with gabes journals. what is this.

monday: grade: 100- i should get a 100 for today because i participated in dance class due to mrs. being absent. boo babies.
journal:keep words they dont hear very often. quote a song lyric. kate was airy? tension between anna and deeley over his comments about kate. quote manyy song lyrics. gershwin and sinatra. silky songs.

grade: 100-i should get a 100 for today because i helped out with the talent show and watched glenn and gabe rehearse, helping when needed.

100- i should get a 100 for today because even though i was once again threatened death by school bomb, i managed to run over and show up. the fact that i was locked out and kept from learning is an issue.

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because i was a very professional curtain puller. aka: helped with the talent show.


Friday, October 15, 2010

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 today ecause i came prepared, had an awesome draft of an essay and participated.

grade:100- i thinki should get a 100 today because i took so much crap in meisner. i also was prepared and participated. and i wrote and essay.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i took acting notes, read, and helped the freshies.

Friday, October 8, 2010

journals for the week

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because i came with my blacks, i was prepared. i helped out with the moving of the set, and helped involve repetition in the scenes. i also worked on my college folders

entry: started old times, its not too much off beat so far, i can see where one tries to tack down a linear thought far their talking about anna stealing kates underwear and explaining how they were room mates and friends, deeley didnt know they were room mates. ann is just off upstage starting out of a window like shes not there and not hearing anything they say.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came prepared for class. listened to the guest artist, participated, and asked intelligent questions. i did not embarrass mrs. aladren. 'nough said.

entry: theyre saying kates married and that she wrote deeley a letter? about cooking a casserole, but ann is a veggie? ann starts talking about the albert hall, covent garden which is in england, so that sets the country? anna starts adderssing deeley and kate as if they live together, 'how nice it was they choose to settle down by the ocean'. deeley wishes he knew kate and ann when they were young girls in london. ann says kate and deeley are married. mentions irish poet yeats. ann goes back to the window. she lives on volcanic island? deeley and ann talk about kate in front of her. kate likes long rainy walks?

Monday, October 4, 2010

rutgers essay draft 1

idk if this will count as a makeup journal, but i thought id officially type up my first draft. i hate the title, but i couldnt think of anything. lol.

A Forced Climb

To put me down on paper is my equivalent to climbing Mount Everest. It’s hard, uncomfortable, but has the promise of an amazing view from the top. As I sit here and think of all the anecdotes I can tell you to show you who I am, and what I can contribute, all that comes to mind is one simple fact: I’m a talker.
My friends and family all can tell you that while they find it awkward to talk to strangers, I don’t mind having a discussion on which type of shampoo they should buy. They can tell you how even in the most tense moments, I can think of something to break the silence. But many people don’t know that it takes years of putting one’s foot in one’s mouth to learn when to talk and when to shut it. I’ve tasted my feet many a time, and I can tell you, you learn more with that horrid taste than anything else. Because of said taste, I am not only a listener, but I also learned patience and tolerance. When I’m with the conservative Republican side of the family, I’ve learned not to teach them new ways to prevent global warming, When my friend gets her teenage heart broken, I’ve learned not to say “I told you he was trash”.
I no longer blurt out my beliefs in a way that makes everything else inferior. I listen to the other side and gain perspective. These seem like minute lessons that should be standard in every young adult, but how many times have you met one that truly understood these principles? My friends call me an old soul in some ways. I am able to coach them through the relentless high school circus. When it seems like it’s unbearable to them, I tell them to take a breath and really think if a fist full of hair is really going to change some one's understanding of the world. I am constantly learning from this personal growth. It seeps into my daily life and surroundings.
I have to say, if I were to write this essay in the beginning of my high school career, I would ramble about how I hate this process and how this is so stupid, but really, what else would force me to sit down and climb Mount Everest?