Friday, October 30, 2009

The Bacchae Part IV

Grade for Wednesday October 28, 2009: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for Wednesday because I participated, took notes, gave my presentation, and was respectful.

Play Entry:
I finished The Bacchae and I have to say I thought it was going to be a lot more light-hearted. He tricks the wife into killing her own son, but yet he punishes her. Not cool. And what did Cadmus and his wife ever do to him? I thought they both believed him. It was interesting, just not too fun considering that he was the god of theater, wine, parties, sex, etc.

Grade for Thursday October 29, 2009: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for Thursday because I dressed appropriately, behaved myself, and also stayed after and brought props for Hopies film.

Play Entry:
So I talked to mrs about The Bacchae. Turns out I'm a generic american teenager. lovely.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Bacchae Part III

Grade:100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I finished outlining my section, I took beast notes of other peoples sections, and I payed attention.

Play Entry:
So here's the fun part. Apparently, Penthesus or whoever is tisk tisking the Dionysus followers, but not so much that he wouldn't dress up like a girl just to watch them get freaky. Nice. What I don't get is what he's on when he comes out of the palace ready to go, but he's seeing double and acting weird. Roofies? I love how he went closer just so he could get a better look at the orgies... the ones his mother and sister (? or daughter) were in.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Bacchae Part II

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I excelled in my leadership position and got what needed to be done done. And then some.

Play Entry:
Does Pentheus have a little crush on Dionysus? For that is what I'm getting the feeling of at some points. After reading Lysistrata, this is really boring. no man-plotting, no sexy-torture. just chains. Do I detect a hint of bestiality in the Dionysus followers? And why does Dionysus keep referring to himself in third person? Odd play I say.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thurday 10/22/09

Grade: 100- I think I should get a 100 for today because I performed my monologue, worked on acting notes, and teched after school.

Play Entry:
Unnecessary due to the fact that I stayed after school to tech for Giant Dino.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Bacchae Part I

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I helped tech, I payed attention to the movie, and I contributed to the feedback of both the concert and the movie.

Play Entry:
Did Dionysus drive all the women of Greece to the mountains to have orgies? Yet they serve the lusts of men. So there must be men around to serve. This guys sounds like a nymphomaniac, having sex with women to "initiate" them into his godly world. Or when he "enters" a man and then the man is "full of prophacies." Sounds a bit like a horny teenager with too much power. Still, it does look like its going to be fun., reading about the ancient hippies. The old-time Dead Heads. Thats what it looks like when this chorus is dancing around and singing for this hottie. lol

Play Vocabulary:
-Glib: readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely.
-Ether: the upper regions of space; clear sky.
-Usurped: to seize and hold by force or w/o legal right

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grade: 100- I think I should get a 100 for today because I caught on to the movie and helped out teching after school.

Play Entry:
I did not read today due to the fact of fatigue and unknown play.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lysistrata Part: 4

Grade: not needed as today i was absent

Play Entry:
Today I finished Lysistrata. I enjoyed it, but not as much as the rest of the play. In the nortons anthology, there were some homosexual references and jokes about the spartan life style, which confused me because I thought there really wasn't a "gay" concept. Not only was it mentioned as an odd way to be, but there were some jokes about it. Could the negative connotation have started already? At the very end there is a lot of the chorus singing, and that kind of set me off from it. I still don't enjoy reading those parts, it's harder for me to follow. Over all though, I really loved this play and hopefully someone will be putting it on around here. That would be beast.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lysistrata Part: 3

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I was prepared in blacks. I learnt from jumping in. And payed attention to the honesty of the independent activities.

Play Entry:
Todays section introduced the first husband to come crawling back. Of course the women outsmarted the men. loved it. The reference to the... under-plucking was interesting. I reallyy wish that kids our age read this version of these plays, they would love it. It's full of dirty metaphors and i spend my the whole time giggling like a little school girl. lol. I think that when teachers shove awful versions of classics down these kids throats, it just ruins it for the rest of their life. not cool man.

Play Vocabulary:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lysistrata Part: 2

100- I think i should get a 100 for today because although I could only be in class a short part of the time, I left being unsure if i was a computer.

Play Entry:
So I got where the women are hauled up in, the bank of sorts. The more I read this play, the more I want to do it so much. I think it would be so fun to be the feisty old lady, or Lysistrata of course. The only part of the language that is holding my back is all the ancient Greek references. The Norton anthology does give a brief explanation, but it doesn't really cut it. All the explanations mostly just reference other gods I know nothing of. There is so many!! I'm getting to the point where I'm legit. laughing out loud. One of my favorite scenes so far is when the old women with the water pales get into a fight with the men trying to torch the bank with the women inside. The discourse is hilarious, and the ending result where they pour water on the men so they'll have to use the wood and fire to warm up is the best. The scenes are perfectly cut as well, it seems that there was a definite feeling of a perfect ending, leaving them want more.

Play Vocabulary:
-Bitty: composed of small segments lacking cohesion; fragmented. Tiny.
-Irascible: easily provoked to anger; very irritable.
-En Masse: in a mass; all together; as a group.
-Citadel: a fortress that commands a city and is used in the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege. a stronghold.
-Crag: a steep, rugged rock; rough, broken, projecting part of a rock.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lysistrata Part: I

Grade: 100- I think i should receive a 100 for today because I outlined as requested, understanding the text as I went. I behaved during the fire drill/pull. I've also started this blog.

Play Entry:
This translation is quite hilarious. It's funny to see how blunt the greek humor was. I'm starting to see the "uselessness" of women. Also the disrespect men had for them. What's kind of confusing is the women's plan. They agree to not have sex with their husbands, but then they hold themselves up in Athena's temple? I don't know if this is to get the men's attention, to pray for Athena's help or I'm just reading something It seems that women, esp. elder women, are disposable. On the lookout for a thesis for this paper.