Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lysistrata Part: 2

100- I think i should get a 100 for today because although I could only be in class a short part of the time, I left being unsure if i was a computer.

Play Entry:
So I got where the women are hauled up in, the bank of sorts. The more I read this play, the more I want to do it so much. I think it would be so fun to be the feisty old lady, or Lysistrata of course. The only part of the language that is holding my back is all the ancient Greek references. The Norton anthology does give a brief explanation, but it doesn't really cut it. All the explanations mostly just reference other gods I know nothing of. There is so many!! I'm getting to the point where I'm legit. laughing out loud. One of my favorite scenes so far is when the old women with the water pales get into a fight with the men trying to torch the bank with the women inside. The discourse is hilarious, and the ending result where they pour water on the men so they'll have to use the wood and fire to warm up is the best. The scenes are perfectly cut as well, it seems that there was a definite feeling of a perfect ending, leaving them want more.

Play Vocabulary:
-Bitty: composed of small segments lacking cohesion; fragmented. Tiny.
-Irascible: easily provoked to anger; very irritable.
-En Masse: in a mass; all together; as a group.
-Citadel: a fortress that commands a city and is used in the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege. a stronghold.
-Crag: a steep, rugged rock; rough, broken, projecting part of a rock.

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