Friday, October 29, 2010

im not going to flunkk

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because even though i hated sean's work, i was mature and participated.
journal:i really want to see this play. but reading it is a pain. remembering and not remembering stuff. they went to school together. they met at the movies? kate brings up that they talk like shes dead. katey was married? and katey? is that kate? people are rippling. deeley has something to do in the arts. they keep on making different people vegitarian when no ones a veggie.

grade-100- i should get a 100 for today because i discussed the workshop thoughtfully and i took charge of laying the masonite.
journal:anna has a husband? now they live in sicily? anna has a yacht? deeley travels around the world for his job? annas husband is italian? so now deeley is orson wells and he wrote and directed a film. kate and anna are having a side conversation about marbel floors and shit. deelys associated with prostitutes.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came to the workshop with an open mind and actually saw it work, and have it slightly work for me.
journal: anna sugests staying in and kate washing her hair? the park is apparently a horrible place. kate doesnt like looking at swinging doors? keep chaning topics and leaving deeley out. anna is going to ask charley or jake to come over. kate doesnt like jake. maybe maccabe. kate goes to take a bath and anna and deeley stare at each other.

thursday:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i worked on taping and helping the freshmen. and i took alot of spanish crap! and i got gaff.
journal: deeley comes in with coffee. says that deeley and kate sleep in the living room and calls couch beds. says he remembers anna from the wayferers. taven just off the brompton road. anna doesnt remember. she knew a luke that went there? a ginger. she would wear a black scarf sweater and skirt and stockings. anna had escorts? deeley bought her drinks? twenty years ago. they would ignore luke sometimes. went to a party in a flat in westbourne grove. deeley looked up annas skirt and she was fine with it? party discussed death and china. anna left the party without saying goodbye.

friday: 100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i helped keep the rehearsal organized, and took over props. i helped freshmen. I DIRECTED.
journal: start talking about katey in the bath. kateys good at washing herself but people dry her. annas getting fiesty about deeley drying kate. dry her with powder? calls kate fourty. kate enters. oh god, the lines from the songs start again. kate says the waters softer in the country. wants to go east to somewhere hot. likes that in the city when it rains it blurrs everything. they are staying in. notice kates smile. ask to repeat and shes still smiling. treating her like a child.

Friday, October 22, 2010

my whole feed is taken up with gabes journals. what is this.

monday: grade: 100- i should get a 100 for today because i participated in dance class due to mrs. being absent. boo babies.
journal:keep words they dont hear very often. quote a song lyric. kate was airy? tension between anna and deeley over his comments about kate. quote manyy song lyrics. gershwin and sinatra. silky songs.

grade: 100-i should get a 100 for today because i helped out with the talent show and watched glenn and gabe rehearse, helping when needed.

100- i should get a 100 for today because even though i was once again threatened death by school bomb, i managed to run over and show up. the fact that i was locked out and kept from learning is an issue.

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because i was a very professional curtain puller. aka: helped with the talent show.


Friday, October 15, 2010

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 today ecause i came prepared, had an awesome draft of an essay and participated.

grade:100- i thinki should get a 100 today because i took so much crap in meisner. i also was prepared and participated. and i wrote and essay.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i took acting notes, read, and helped the freshies.

Friday, October 8, 2010

journals for the week

grade:100- i should get a 100 for today because i came with my blacks, i was prepared. i helped out with the moving of the set, and helped involve repetition in the scenes. i also worked on my college folders

entry: started old times, its not too much off beat so far, i can see where one tries to tack down a linear thought far their talking about anna stealing kates underwear and explaining how they were room mates and friends, deeley didnt know they were room mates. ann is just off upstage starting out of a window like shes not there and not hearing anything they say.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came prepared for class. listened to the guest artist, participated, and asked intelligent questions. i did not embarrass mrs. aladren. 'nough said.

entry: theyre saying kates married and that she wrote deeley a letter? about cooking a casserole, but ann is a veggie? ann starts talking about the albert hall, covent garden which is in england, so that sets the country? anna starts adderssing deeley and kate as if they live together, 'how nice it was they choose to settle down by the ocean'. deeley wishes he knew kate and ann when they were young girls in london. ann says kate and deeley are married. mentions irish poet yeats. ann goes back to the window. she lives on volcanic island? deeley and ann talk about kate in front of her. kate likes long rainy walks?

Monday, October 4, 2010

rutgers essay draft 1

idk if this will count as a makeup journal, but i thought id officially type up my first draft. i hate the title, but i couldnt think of anything. lol.

A Forced Climb

To put me down on paper is my equivalent to climbing Mount Everest. It’s hard, uncomfortable, but has the promise of an amazing view from the top. As I sit here and think of all the anecdotes I can tell you to show you who I am, and what I can contribute, all that comes to mind is one simple fact: I’m a talker.
My friends and family all can tell you that while they find it awkward to talk to strangers, I don’t mind having a discussion on which type of shampoo they should buy. They can tell you how even in the most tense moments, I can think of something to break the silence. But many people don’t know that it takes years of putting one’s foot in one’s mouth to learn when to talk and when to shut it. I’ve tasted my feet many a time, and I can tell you, you learn more with that horrid taste than anything else. Because of said taste, I am not only a listener, but I also learned patience and tolerance. When I’m with the conservative Republican side of the family, I’ve learned not to teach them new ways to prevent global warming, When my friend gets her teenage heart broken, I’ve learned not to say “I told you he was trash”.
I no longer blurt out my beliefs in a way that makes everything else inferior. I listen to the other side and gain perspective. These seem like minute lessons that should be standard in every young adult, but how many times have you met one that truly understood these principles? My friends call me an old soul in some ways. I am able to coach them through the relentless high school circus. When it seems like it’s unbearable to them, I tell them to take a breath and really think if a fist full of hair is really going to change some one's understanding of the world. I am constantly learning from this personal growth. It seeps into my daily life and surroundings.
I have to say, if I were to write this essay in the beginning of my high school career, I would ramble about how I hate this process and how this is so stupid, but really, what else would force me to sit down and climb Mount Everest?

Friday, September 17, 2010

one giant journal

turesday:grade: 89
friday:grade: 89

Friday, June 11, 2010

week 7-11

entry: viola comes and pushes her way to olivias sight. she then insists that she know it is olivia not some other woman and gets olivia alone. viola spews words of love and olivia bats them off. she send viola away and tell her to tell the count she can never love him again and not to send anyone else. she then says that maybe viola should come back and tell her how she takes it. she starts to realize she has a crush on him/her which is sick considering she thinks hes like, 16. vomit.

entry: we go to a random scene and violas brother, sebastian is actually alive and leaving the house of the guy who found him after the wreck and took care of him. sebastian tells the man his real name and the story of his sister. their father died, and now with thinking he has no family hes going to randomly travel around the world. the guy antonio tries to convince him to let him come, but sebastian says it would be too dangerous. sebastian leaves for the counts court, and antonio ends up following him despite the fact that he has many enemies there and shouldnt.

wendsday:100- i should get a 100 today because i helped travis with his film. i was an extra acting marvelously.

entry:back at olivias, malvolio catches up to viola with olivias ring. viola plays along and says that olivia must keep it, malvolio throws it on the ground. she realizes that olivia is in love with her. she says she hope time will figure this out, because she cant.

thursday:100- i should get a 100 for today because again i was an extra and a helper on travis's film.
Entry:sir toby, sir andrew, and feste are drinking at olivias. feste is singing and wakes maria who warns them to shut up or be thrown out. malvolio wakes up and storms in fussing about their drinking and threatening to kick them out, he threatens maria and they all make jokes at him. he storms out and says hes going to tell olivia. sir andrew suggests challenging malvolio to a duel but maria comes up with the plan to leave love notes from olivia to malvolio to make him think that olivia loves him. they all love it and go to bed pleased.

friday:-100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i watched hamlet and listened and added to the discussion.
Entry: not need for friday.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

multiple makeups.

orsino explains hes lovesixk and doesnt understand olivia's love for her brother. all his messangers are being rejected.

surfeiting- overdo, excess
candence- rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds
hart- male deer

viola and a captian recover from a shipwreck. the captain knows they are in Illyria and tells viola. she hopes her brother is alive. the captian says its possible and she pays him for the good hope. then she learns about olivia and the count and convinces the capitain to make her into a man singer so she can go to olivia for orsino.

marias scolding sir toby about his continual drinking and late nights. they talk about a suitor, sir andrew, for livia and compare opinions. sir andrew enters and converses witty jokes with maria. sir andrew and sir toby drink. they talk of his dullness and olivia. sir andrew stays one more month.

valentine tells viola that osario has taken a fast liking to her. osino tells viola to go try and woo olivia because he is built like a woman and can win her ear. viola now has to woo 0livia while trying to woo orsino.

feste the clown returns after a long leave and maria tells him hes going to be turned away or hung. many sexual jokes on "hung". olivia says for feste to be taken away because hes a fool and unrelieable. he makes the argument that hes not a fool because he will mend his sins with virtue and she is being cheated out of her beauty by misfortune. feste has the oppertunity to try and prove olivia the fool. he does so by showing the silliness in mourning a soul thats in heaven. malvolio will have none of it but olivia takes him back. maria comes and says theres another messanger for her. she sends someone to send him away.

dexterously-skillfull in the use of hands or body
catechize-to instruct orally by means of questions and answers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

week of 24-28

grade: 100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i showed up, brought clothes, participated, and learned.


grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i watched hamlet, payed attention, took notes, and enjoyed it.

entry: hamlet makes the play to see if the king shows that he's guilty. the king gets a fidgety and freaks out and leaves. proof. then hamlet gets plotting.

Grade:89 - (i was not in my prime today)

entry: hamlet comes into his mothers room and flipps on her, throws her, and stabs polonious behind the curtain. he sees his father, and his mother doesnt. they plot that shell act normal while he plots on his uncle.

Thursday and Friday i was absent

Friday, May 21, 2010


thursday:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i watched hamlet and took notes.

entry: now that hamlet saw his father, hes acting funky. ophelia is now ignoring hamlet and hes flipping out, acting like a phyco. ophelias monologue about hamlet acting weird, i wonder if thats the night they have sex. some of the things she says can be considered dirtyyy. lmfao

friday:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came prepared, brought blacks, participated, and used my monologue.

entry: ophelias dad thinks hamlets weird because hes lovesick. he tells hamlets dad. it makes sense. but they bring hamlets old friends back to cheer him up. they kind of remind me of tweedle dee and tweedle dum. lmfao.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

tuesday may 18th

grade: 100- I think I should get a 100 for today because i showed up, cleaned the catwalk, put the odd gels and lights where they belonged, and helped out wherever else there was need.

the new hamlet im reading is alot harder to understand than no fear, of course. lol. but i feel like im getting more by looking in the back and everything. so now hamlet has seen the ghost, talked to it, and it has revealed its secret. hamlets uncle killed hamlet (I) in the garden with some sick nasty ear poison. and now he needs to be revenged. but really, the real reason hes in purgatory is because he never confessed his sins before dying and made peace and stuff. so i dont see how this is going to help him. yeah it will help him mentally cause id be pretty pissed too if someone killed me. but in order to get out of purgatory dont you have to make up for all your sins and have people pray for your soul? so making his son kill his brother doesnt really make his case for getting to heaven. idk, it makes a good play i guess. lmfao. and now we know that hamlets starting to act crazy. or is he really crazy??????? the world shall never know.

Monday, May 17, 2010

monday may 17th

grade: 100- i think i should get a 100 today because i showed up on time, made sure i signed in, was dressed nicely for the psa banquet thingy, and stayed for as long as possible being interactive with the speakers.

so now hamlet is told by the guards that the ghost of his dad is just walking around at night. to me i would be a little more upset and skeptical then hamlet, but thats just me. the no fear Shakespeare's translation im finding out sucks. its not direct at all and sometimes completely mixes everything around to get the easiest sounding lines out. wtf. got a regular hamlet today, starting to just read from that.

Friday, May 7, 2010

this weeks grades

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came prepared and worked on my screenplay.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i took notes, worked on scanning my monologue. i helped others tackle scanning.

grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i worked on senior showcase ideas, helping scarlett re-scan her monologue. and helped her understand the basics of scanning.


grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came and contributed to the senior showcase meeting. i helped with the due dates. i worked the rest of the period on table work for travis's scene.

Monday, April 26, 2010

april 26, 2010

Grade: 100- I should get a 100 for today because i came prepared for class, listen to the conference, took notes, and used the rest of the time in class to prepare for the senior showcase next year.

We start meeting the characters, learn that hamlets mom is a slut and her new husband in hamlets uncle. messed up. other than that it looks pretty normal. although they are moving weirdly fast past the death. kind of obvious move on the uncles part. boo.

Grade:100- I think i should get a 100 for today because i set up the conference, listened and took notes on the lecture, finished my homework, and helped other people out with their monologue homework.

I stayed after.

Grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i came to school prepared, listened and added to the teleconference, and helped tech and clean up the make-shift booth.

I stayed after.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


wendsday:10- i think i should get a 100 because i was prepared, payed attention, was in a good mood for rehearsal.
thurday: 100- i pulled props and costume ideas and searched for the class's youtube channel.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

tuesday march sixteenth two thousand and ten

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I assisted maladren, helped tech, and helped glenn work on the modeling thing.

stalked a neighborhood in california that i think is just perfect. i looked up where Weeds is supposed to be set, and the neighborhood is like a ritzy development. perrrrfect. from what i can see of the street on google maps all the houses look EXACTLY the same. i also got onto this site that gave me millions of facts on the town, percent of families, ages, even percent of each ethnicity live there. a bunchhh of things that tickled my fancy until i realized it was kind of stalker-ish.
but on other notes, of acting-wise. im realizing just how hard acting like a parent is. especially a parent that doesnt have my temperment. at least we dont have a helena mom, but discovering these new layers in barbra is tough. realizing that "my husband is an angry man" is not only a threat but a testament completely turned the line around. i was thinking barbra was a feisty housewife. but no, she is just yet another despereate housewife. its going to be interesting. yay stretch-charactersss

Friday, March 12, 2010

week of 3/8/10

grade:100- I think i should get a 100 for today because i came prepared to work. i helped in any way i could to tech and cleaned up.


stayed after for rehearsal

stayed after for designer run through

absent due to getting my driving license.

grade:i think i should get a 100 for today because for the time i was there i helped edit the press release and contact some newspapers.


Monday, March 1, 2010

monday march first

grade: 100- i think i should get a 100 for today cause i beasted right through my lines! bo dang! thats all we did all day.

entry: went over lines again. sooo much easier this year. need to get my script bound.

friday march 5
grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i behaved, participated, worked with scarlett and the worked with gabe on our scene.

wendsday i had rehearsal. i was very tired due to the hespas and all, and i realized, in rehearsal it doesnt matter. im going to have to learn to just gather up all and any energy because you cant just bullshit through a rehearsal. it gave me perspective on theater actors and having to do 8 shows a week. redonkulous. anyhoo, dans amazingly creepy and his character seems at such a higher level then barbara. i really just need to get inside these given circumstances.
oh if only i was a teen mom, my life would be so much easier.

make up journals

ok, the ONE im missing for the week ending feburary 12th.
i forget what we were talking about back then. were we still reading? well im going to use this and just talk about the plays i readd. they were interesting. although i need to do those papers. hmmm, i wonder how the final will be. ill prob bomb it with a twenty one or something. FORTELLING.

last week's wend.
the meeting on the costumes. the costumes are changing. idk what im wearing. i want my shoes. i think barbara might be a runner. idk yet. but maybe that just me wanting to go for a run. what state are we in? can we collectively decide on a state? i feel like we did and i just wasnt in on it. i know were in may, but what state. what day of the week? i feel like its definately a friday. date night and friends over and all. ill bring that up next rehearsal. sooo, no crying until tech. fuck. its fun now. but i just hope it doesnt go away. i feel the stronger tendancy to cry in my everyday life now that i can control it. it sucks. haklla.

Friday, February 5, 2010

thursday 2/4/10

grade: 100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i followed the movie, took notes, and added to the discussion.

today i observed so much great cinematography that it makes me just want to film. to just go back in time and to be something around that set, or to meet him would be amazing. it also shows how much a little detail can add so much to a scene. shots have to be thought out, like a science. love it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

grade:100- I think I should get a 100 for today because I came prepared with blacks, led warm ups, and gave feed back.

today I didnt get to work on my monologue but i think i learned alot from watching others. from glenn and gabe i wanted to try my old helena monologue and just go for it. i think i want to try her that crazy deranged stalker girl that noone talks to because shes weird. ill be fun.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday grade:100-I think I should get a 100 for today because I came prepared with a monologue and blacks. I behaved and worked well.

Tuesday Grade: 100- I think I should get a 100 for today because I came prepared to tech, teched like a beast and got all my jobs done.

something that helped me better my career today was learning when to let someone slide off your back. also, to always have something to do, even when your done, get something to do.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everyman Part II

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I worked on my monologues and payed attention.

Play enrty: I can already see the relationship between this play and the seventh seal. only in this one god is talking and is talking like people. idk. less godly. lol

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everyman Part I

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I came prepared, with a new monologue, and worked on my current ones.

Play Entry:
according to this god, were all burning in hell. were definately worse than these people.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thyestes Part II

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I payed attention, took notes, created a poster, and presented said poster.

Play Entry:
Finished Thyestes. sicknasty. A messenger fills you in on the fact that Atreus sacrifices the sons, and the sons were chillaxed. and then he feeds the sons to Thyestes. It's really horrible, and the worst part is Atreus still isn't happy. He wants to do it again, and is happy that Thyestes is taking it so bad. Thyestes wants to die and suffer. Theme of fair is foul in here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

two posts

yesterday i deserve a 100 for the simple reason that i legit rolled on the floor shouting out. i stayed after as well.

Grade: 100- I realized why were rolling on the floor.

Play Entry:
great, were planning to feed children again. it never ends with these people. When the brother comes back, he misses it all, but he knows its not right and wants to go back. he was finally alright with the simple and now the city is making him fear. a reference to dismembered limbs is made. hah. the sons pushing him to go back into town just because he wants shit when his father dies. "and from small things there comes a great quietness" i feel like he is talking about the american dream in this saying: " listen, that great things make you happy and harsh ones sad is lies". i really like this guy thyestes. awh, they really just want to make up and hes being tricked. thats horrid.

Monday, January 11, 2010


grade:100- i think i should get a 100 for today because i participated, took notes, and asked questions.

play entry: i feel like this play is going to be more serious. it makes me sad.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I helped out as much as possible and made my wing super clean.

i stayed after school today to help kp edit her film.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thyestes Part I

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I payed attention to the movie and took notes

Play Entry:
This is an odd play. Lond monologues from all the characters. but interesting depictions of hell.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pseudolous Part VII

Grade: 100- I think I should receive a 100 for today because I showed up, contributed to the conversation, and even participated in viewpoints.

Play Entry:
Simo is getting on his knees for pseudolous and crying out that it hurts. his response is that if simo didnt hurt it would have to be himself. pseudolous is robbing simo of his teasure? maybe im reading too much into it.
but then pseudolous asks simo to follow him to earn back half the money, but we never find out where or how. even though the audience is invited along by simo, pseudolous says another day.
